Next Monthly
business meeting:
Date & Time: Sunday, February 23rd at 1500
Location: Cicero American Legion

During our sanctioned ride, honoring Jim "Smokey" Spellman (Westmoreland Fire Fighter and CVMA Alpha Omega chapter member), CVMA 19-8 collected donations for the Westmoreland Volunteer Fire Department. Paying it forward, to honor Smokey and support Veterans, Westmoreland Fire in conjunction with CVMA 19-8 donated $1,279 to the Feed Our Vets organization.

We are an Association of Combat Veterans from all branches of the United States Armed Forces who ride motorcycles as a hobby. Our mission now is to support and defend those who have defended our country and our freedoms. Our focus is to help veteran care facilities provide a warm meal, clothing, shelter, and guidance, or simply to say "Thank You." and "Welcome Home."
Our membership is comprised of Full Members ( those with verified combat service ) and Supporter Members ( those who have non-combat military service, and have a sincere dedication to helping veterans ). We have members from all 50 states and living abroad. Many members continue to serve in our Armed Forces, with several serving in combat areas now.